Balsam Poplar Dismantling.

Balsam Poplar (Populus balsamifera) 20 meter Height.
This Tree had become to big for its location and had not yet reached maturity (30-35meters). Situated 5m south/west to the vicarage, 3m north to a veteran Yew (Taxus baccata) and the roots had dislodged considerably the tarmac drive way. Considering its position to the dwelling and damage to the driveway the customer had decided to remove the tree and replant a more suitable tree to that area of the garden. Often when there is tree root damage to a driveway, there are a number of actions that can be carried out to prevent further damage and to re-establish the tarmac/paving to its original condition, whilst maintaining good tree health and a safe environment. Please call me for advice, Adrian.